The Asia Foundation

admin  |  13 - Mar - 2008

The Asia Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to the development of a peaceful, prosperous, just, and open Asia-Pacific region. The Foundation supports programs in Asia that help improve governance, law, and civil society; women's empowerment; economic reform and development; and international relations. Drawing on more than 50 years of experience in Asia, the Foundation collaborates with private and public partners to support leadership and institutional development, exchanges, and policy research.

With a network of 17 offices throughout Asia, an office in Washington, D.C., and its headquarters in San Francisco, the Foundation addresses these issues on both a country and regional level. In 2007, the Foundation provided more than $68 million in program support and distributed 974,000 books and educational materials valued at $33 million throughout Asia.

The Asia Foundation is not an endowed organization, and depends solely on monetary contributions from donors to accomplish its work.

The Asia Foundation – Indonesia

Jakarta 12067

Tel: +62 (21)7278-8424

Fax: +62 (21)720-3123


Robin Bush, Deputy Country Representative, Indonesia

Douglas E. Ramage, Country Representative, Indonesia

Desantara Note:
We had been supported for several projects

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