Democratic Reform Support Program (DRSP)

admin | 13 - Mar - 2008

Launched in May 2005, the Democratic Reform Support Program (DRSP) is a focused but flexible program that supports leading advocates from civil society, the public sector and private sector whose work is deemed critical to consolidating and – when necessary – safeguarding essential democratic reforms.

Current DRSP initiatives support the following:

  • Reform and capacity building efforts of the national legislative councils, DPR and DPD; programs of the Constitutional Court to improve systems and public outreach;
  • Advocacy and public awareness activities of selected civil society organizations involved in national democracy issues, including CSO involvement in election and campaign finance reforms;
  • Programs and media/journalist organizations that safeguard freedom of information and expression;
  • Reform of the national framework for regional governance and decentralization; and facilitate implementation of the special autonomy law for Aceh.

Examples of the types of initial assistance include legal drafting and technical training for members, staff and researchers in the DPR and DPD, development of the case management system in the Constitutional Court, support for national election campaign finance reform, advocacy for passage and effective implementation of a new Freedom of Information Law, and support for the review and implementation of the Law on Governing Aceh. DRSP has a flexible and responsive structure that will allow support to evolve as Indonesia’s needs and agenda progress.

DRSP supports democratic reform through Indonesian leaders, researchers and institutions in government, civil society, academia and the private sector. Partner organizations playing a lead role on DRSP include the Association of Independent Journalists (AJI), LIPI, Forum LSM Aceh, the Public Participation Forum (FPPM), Forum for Village Reform (FPPD), The Institute for Social Research, Democracy & Social Justice (PERCIK), Science, Aesthetics, and Technology Foundation (Yayasan SET), Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Transparency International Indonesia, the Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM) and FITRA.

DRSP also works directly with various Government of Indonesia organizations, including DPR (People’s Representative Council), DPD (Regional Representative Council), Mahkamah Konstitusi (Constitutional Court), BAPPENAS, (National Planning Board), Ministry of Home Affairs, the Indonesia Broadcast Commission (KPI), and the Public Election Commission (KPU).

DRSP – Democratic Reform Support Program
Leny Rahayu

Tel : +(6221) 515-2541
Fax : +(6221) 515-2542
Email :
Website :

Desantara Note:
We have been supported for several project

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