The Ford Foundation

admin  |  13 - Mar - 2008 The Ford Foundation

The Ford Foundation began working in Indonesia, from an office located in Jakarta, in 1953. Over the years, we have provided more than $450 million in grants in selected fields.

The great diversity of Indonesia's people and their culture—in terms of geography, religion, and social differences—is a source of strength and innovation. At the same time, the nation's ethnic and linguistic diversity presents challenges, and certain groups are significantly marginalized in their access to resources or participation in decisions that affect their lives.

Broad, Evolving Focus
The grant-making focus of the foundation has evolved over the years in response to the shifting political and economic landscape and the changing needs and priorities of Indonesia's people and communities.

Today, we are making major commitments in a range of areas, including local philanthropy; natural resources management, rural livelihoods and community empowerment; sexuality and reproductive health; governance and civil society; media, arts and culture; and formal and alternative education. Grants in these areas have been designed to strengthen individual and institutional capabilities, support innovative practices and disseminate information on successful approaches.

Ford Foundation

P.O. Box 2030
Jakarta 10020, Indonesia
Tel. (+62) 21-252-4073
Fax (+62) 21-252-4078

Desantara Note:

We have been supported for several project.

Versi bahasa Inggris belum ada

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